YES, it's theReal Thing!
We celebrate Christ’s passion, death and resurrection at every Mass. Jesus said “Do this in memory of me.” It is very important that your child understands that during the consecration of the bread and wine, through the words of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit a change of the whole substance occurs and the bread and wine become the ACTUAL Body and Blood or our Lord Jesus Christ. The bread and wine are no longer just bread and wine it is “Jesus”, the Eucharist, the center of our Faith!
Check this page for any additional information on First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Check this page for any additional information on the
Confirmation Program for 9th grade
First Holy Communion ceremony for 2025 Saturday May 10, 2025 11:00am at St. Basil the Great Church
9th graders received a packet of documents at the Dec 15th class that needs to be completed for Confirmation next year. If you missed class please contact Mr. Carrah for info! Call 203-753-0511
Many of our Confirmation Students have been assisting at mass and engaging in Service activities. We encourage you to keep assisting because YOU are the mass. Keep us a part of it!